Here are some random facts about me (inquiries for more facts are welcome):
- I have visited 17 different countries, all of them in Europe: Ireland, Italy, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, England, France, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Vatican, Denmark, Latvia, Estonia.
- My favorite dish: Rotolo di spinaci e ricotta (pasta with spinach and ricotta cheese).
- I was born and raised in the very south of Germany, in the Allgäu mountain region. I lived there until I left for studying at the University of Augsburg at the age of 19.
- Until now I have lived at five different places, all of them in Germany.
- I own many more books than I can ever read.
- I live in Kaltenkirchen, a small town near Hamburg in the north of Germany.
For more information please have a look at my other profiles on the internet: Facebook, LinkedIn, dailymile, twitter, or flickr.
You can also contact me on Skype: („peterrunner“) or send me an e-mail. I highly appreciate your feedback!